Friday, November 12, 2010

Managing my life

Or not. My Nana, (mom's mom) was in the hospital earlier this week, probably still there. Again making me realize how far away from family I am. I have had lots of thoughts to post here but they are not coming to me at the moment. Thinking about relationships of all kinds. What kind of life I really want. I am glad to be going back east for Thanksgiving. That is always a good time for connecting. And now that this business thing is going on it should be really interesting. I will also be going back to the family house for the first time since Janet moved in. My brother has been there several times and now seems to be more at ease there and with my father and Janet. It was really good talking to him the other day and not feeling like we had to battle or debate about relationships with our father.
I am struggling on the food stuff. I am not eating well and I have been off of one of my supplements for at least 2 weeks and I think it is having an effect. I am so sluggish. I slept all day on Veteran's Day. No really - ALL day. Part of it I know is the weather getting colder and wanting to hunker down - but ALL DAY? I have way too much to do to be sleeping my days away. I have been eating an awful lot of refined sugar and caffeine lately as well. Cupcakes do not constitute a meal. I need to cook more and eat out less. Broken record there. Keeping my apartment clean would help I know. So hop to it girl!
Gotta get on the combining of retirement accounts as well. I want to be able to put that money into the business if I can. And accupuncture for my hands. And the gym. And running. So much to do....feeling sleeeeeepy.....

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