Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Something I am just realizing is that I like having someone mentor and support me. It's ridiculous that it's taken this long but it seems like it's the first time it has happened. I've spent so much of my career starting programs that I haven't really found someone that I felt could really be my mentor - in person, for a long time. My last clinical supervisor did fill this role somewhat, I am still really calmed by his presence and insight but he is off doing his own thing now. I am really loving having a "life coach" during these transitions I am embarking on. It's so good to have someone to check in with, to give me exercises to do, to help me plan my time and prioritize. I could do it myself, but I don't, or I get distracted by something or another. Working with her I am getting things done that I need to do and she helps me parse down what the most important focus for the next period of time is. I liked having this with my original weight loss program - even if I backslid - someone was there to notice and help encourage me to get back on with it. It's like when I was running the 1/2 Marathons and I would see "my people" at different points cheering me on. Yeah, the over all crowd support was great, but having my own cheer-ers was awesome! I think that we all need need a cheering section when we are going through big changes, ones that feel big to us no matter what they look like on the outside. Having someone just for me is really great. Sure she has other clients, but for that hour or so- she's there for me and it makes a difference.

I went out last night and drank too much and felt like crap today - I am not in my 20s anymore. Being a grown-up I went to work. Limited my cake intake. Could not remember for the life of me where I parked my car and got a little extra exercise walking 4 blocks away from my car and then 4 blocks back since I had apparently been looking right at it and not seeing it. I felt a little demented. Then I went to the gym for 30 min. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep but I had no food to pull together easily in the house and I really wanted to try and stay on South Beach as much as possible. So out I go to the grocery store. $100 later I have food in the house but no energy to make anything. I got some stuff that was already prepared so I ate some of that and you know...I didn't stuff myself. I left some for tomorrow's lunch and it's ok. I also got the bad stuff out of the fridge and the stinky garbage taken out. Hopefully I can get the dishwasher run tonight so I have tupperware to bring food into work with. These are the seemingly "little" ordinary things that for me right now feel like huge accomplishments....especially in my rundown, hungover state.

Da goats. I have an appointment on Friday to meet with the SCORE counselor to see what I need to do regarding a business plan and such. More coaching! And Tammy has this business and I am excited to learn the basics from her and then make it my own. It's something new but not so new that I have to invent it on my own. There is a plan and a person willing to share her knowledge, for a price, but I will learn stuff on my own as well. I am really excited thinking about it! I have my moments of freaking out - I am essentially going to have 16-17 "pets"! 15 of which require special zoning! WTF?! Jasper, the goats and maybe a dog too? OMG!!! Aaack! But seriously, it will be all good. Most of the time I am feeling happy about the direction my life is taking. I am moving towards something not just away from my current stress. I wasn't sure I would find this. I thought it might take longer. I thought I would be pondering several option though I never could conceive what they might be.

And today is what would have been my parent's 45th wedding anniversary. In retrospect, time flies.

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