Monday, August 30, 2010

It is ON people!

Yep - the goats are going to happen! I am in such a state of disbelief again over this. I met with the SCORE consultant and while I still have a ways to go, the numbers look good for actually making money with this crazy scheme! I have a week off over this Labor Day and I am going to be pulling together my financial stuff and hopefully meeting with Tammy to get officially signed on. OMG! Of course I have also run through my entire paycheck a week early so I am stressing about how I am going to make it on less of a salary...but that's why I have to do the financials. Breathe. I got my ass back to yoga and that is great. I have scheduled to take my social work licensing exam mid-November and Kaye & I are going to split the cost of more practice exams.

I had a big slip on the diet last night. For the most part I have been doing pretty well, I am managing the beer for the most part and the sweets but last night....My upstairs neighbor is moving out and she offered me all this food stuff which included a box of (low calorie) ice cream popsicle things. I ate all that were in there. I also at a whole box of South Beach granola bars I had bought - thinking I was ready for such a thing. Not ready. I have mastered the chocolate chips (except the night I was really drunk) but this other stuff is a no go. I am eating peach jello as I type. Not my favorite flavor.

Back to the goats...when I talked to my father this weekend he said that "of course" he would help out with investing in the business. Of course??? Ok! I was kinda hoping that this would happen, that he would be smitten with the idea, I didn't think it would happen so fast. It got me all excited! I now have assignments from both my coach Josephine and Ed the SCORE guy that are all about the numbers! Who knew I would get excited over numbers and spread sheets! ayiyiyiyi! It's funny how it seems like I am now all a flurry to be able to sit and chill with the goats. Hurry up and wait. But I am excited and that is really the thing of it right now. I haven't been excited about much in a long time. It feels real good.

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